The Representation Unit of Visual Working Memory

Published in Advances in Psychology (Chinese Journal), 2022

Recommended citation: Liu, R., Guo, L., Cheng, Y., Li, Q., & Ye, C. (2022). The Representation Unit of Visual Working Memory. Advances in Psychology, 12. (3), 868-875.

The visual working memory is a limited storage system in which people could flexibly process the representations to complete the task. Among studies on the capacity of visual working memory, the representation unit is a prior subject. Previous research employs the change-detection paradigm and the recall paradigm to explore the nature of representations when features of diverse dimensions and different-level features of the same dimension are stored in the visual working memory. These studies elicit two binary hypotheses: the object-based representation hypothesis backs that those diverse features are bound on the object and form a whole, while the feature-based representation hypothesis supports that independent feature representations have a specific capacity limitation on each dimension. Besides, as a target-drive memory system, the visual working memory receives an undeniable impact from the experiment process and the task demand. By comparing and concluding previous debates on the representation unit, we attempt to reach a united explanation of two hypotheses. This benefits our comprehension of the capacity of visual working memory. The exploration of relevant problems might consider the impact of task demand to improve the experimental design.

Keywords: Visual Working Memory, Representation Unit, Task Demand

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Recommended citation: Liu, R., Guo, L., Cheng, Y., Li, Q., & Ye, C. (2022). The Representation Unit of Visual Working Memory. Advances in Psychology, 12. (3), 868-875.